You are required to download the jdatetime library
you can download from here
Download jdatetime library from here
Click Here Download
Install this library in your system :.
Extract the library folder and reach inside that library folder in command prompt and install .
- apt get install
Try this script :
from jdatetime import JalaliToGregorian, GregorianToJalali
gregorian_date_obj = JalaliToGregorian(1391,02,21)
gregorian_date =gregorian_date_obj.getGregorianList()
print " gregorian_date :::::::",gregorian_date
same way you can use the ,
jalali_date_obj = GregorianToJalali(2012,1,31)
jalali_date = jalali_date_obj.getJalaliList()
print "jalali_date :::::::::::::",jalali_date